Thank you for the time in scanning this QR Code.
We are very sorry to have disrupted you checkout process if the sticker was placed over the barcode but it is the only way to bring to you the fact that UK farmers and growers are paid less than the cost of production for a large amount of products you buy. This money comes from your pocket by way of taxes and is syphoned off to supermarkets etc rather than going to the grower.
Most likely this QR code has been on a product which could have been Grown in the UK rather than in a foreign country.
If there is any disruption in the supply from that country many miles away then you will have to do without. Doing without escalates when that foreign country will not export to the UK and if it is a staple food – Wheat, Potatoes Apples etc. the end result could be starvation and at the least shortage and escalating prices.

After WW2 there was a UK policy to be self suficient. This was after the food shortages in the war. The government promoted food production through the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food and not, as today, through grants to promote wildlife, trees, lay land ( fallow) and also to use the land for solar panels (what is wrong with all the car parks, high rise building roofs etc).
We also have the problem of bully supermarkets to the industry by not paying FAIR prices for products and buying foreign products and letting UK growers close.
This is a complex problem and it needs to be sorted NOW. We can have a beautiful countryside, expanding wildlife and a happy countryside and a farming community who are paid a FAIR price for their produce and are nurturing wildlife and enhancing the beauty of the countryside.
They do not want more taxes they want FAIR deals and a Government who listens
Click above to find products Grown in the UK