Pea Oregon Sugar Pod
Latin Pisum sativum Oregon Sugar Pod

How to Grow Oregon Sugar Pod
When To Sow: February-June; September Harvest: June-October
Germination: 3-14 days Full Sun
Starting Indoors: Although you can start peas indoors, they prefer to be direct seeded.
Direct Seed: Sow in early spring at a depth of 2cm (1”) as soon as the soil can be worked. (For an earlier crop the next year, sow 2 weeks before the first frost.) It doesn’t hurt to over-plant, as this will help ensure your crop against pests, weather, rot, and/or wildlife losses. Keep the soil evenly moist during germination.
Peas are not particular about soil, but prefer those with plenty of added organic matter and a pH between 5.5-6.8. Avoid the use of high nitrogen fertilisers.
Peas are generally fine with regular rainfall, but make sure to keep watered during dry spells, as they don’t produce well once their roots dry out.
The roots of peas are shallow, so keep the base of the plants mulched to keep the roots protected, moist, and cool. Mulch will also help keep the weeds down. (When weeding, avoid digging deeply with a hoe or other instrument, as you may damage the rooting system.)
Peas are usually ready for harvest about 3 weeks after the flower appears. Harvest when young unless saving for seed. This variety is best when the pods are about 8 cm long. Regular picking will stimulate further production.
Companion Planting
Peas fix nitrogen in the soil and help out many heavy-feeding crops (i.e. corn and squash). Other companions for peas include carrots, celery, chicory, corn, cucumber, eggplant, parsley, early potato, radish, spinach, and strawberry. Avoid planting with alliums, gladiolus, and potatoes.