Crocus sativus

Position: full sun
Soil: gritty, poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soil
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: October to November
Hardiness: fully hardy
Grow your own saffron (the most expensive spice in the world), with this beautiful crocus. It produces large sterile, rich lilac flowers with distinctive purple veins in October and November. An autumn-flowering crocus, it is named after its three long, deep-red stigmas, which are cultivated commercially for colouring and flavouring food. To provide the conditions in which it needs to thrive, plant the bulbs from August to October in gritty, well-drained soil and keep the area weed free.
Plant bulbs 10-15cm (4-6in) deep from August in a hot, sunny spot. They can even be planted in grass but do not cut the lawn until after the leaves have died back. Saffron crocus can only be propagated by dividing the corms. After 3 to 4 years dig up the corms, divide and replant in fresh soil.
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